1961 September V 11 # 3


Congratulations to Raymond Hammond on completion of 10 years service and the presentation to him of his 10-Year Service Pin.

Lila Wilson of the Dairy Mill has left the Company on July 31 to take up full-time housekeeping. She was presented with a departure gift of a set of TV tables.

Tom Melnyk has returned to work on the office staff. His most recent address was Uranium City, Sask. He is replacing Cal Cundliffe who recently left the Company to work in Lloydminster. Cal received a brief case as a departure gift.

Gayle Williams was employed in the Stenographic Department during July. Ernie Schultz again took over the keyboard after his return from his job of camp counsellor during his vacation.

A new TV has turned Nick Elaschuk into the latest member of the squat and stare brigade on the townsite.

On the sick list recently were Edith Hodge, Leslie Austin, Roy Kendall, John Zaraska and Carol Heinemann.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Seal on the recent birth of a son.

Auggie Bartling spent his vacation among the oil billionaires. He was in Texas to attend his son's university graduation.

Recent plant visitors included Mr. and Mrs. O'Day from Neepawa and Theo Finlayson from Montreal.

Having read the account of Herb Sills' 25-years service with the Company, we would like to add our best wishes from the Lindbergh Plant.

With some of the hottest weather in years and a good amount of rain, we can consider this area the garden spot of Alberta this year. Between gardening, swimming and boating, or just plain resting in the shade, everyone has spent a nice summer. Lake Whitney has been so busy that the rugged individualists have had to look further afield to find any solitude.

Lindbergh Plant is getting to be quite a family plant as we see many instances of two members of a family at work. Father-and-son or-daughter pairs, along with husbands and wives give our 'salt family' a literal meaning.

George Anderson and Neil Nelson have added a touch of color to the parking lot with new half-ton trucks.

Herb Sutton spent his vacation down east having a look at Windsor and Detroit.

Congratulations to Franz Kerklaan on his recent successful completion of his second class engineers examination.