Fire Containment Efforts

As time wore on this gas and structure fire had to be closed down. In the photos you can see many Acetylene containers that did not explode. So focus on cooling the place down and getting water everywhere began.

Smoke and steam mixed everywhere

Smoke and steam mixed everywhere

View of shop looking SW


Getting Water on Smoldering fires

Getting Water on Smoldering fires

Moving burning structure from danger spots

Moving burning structure from danger spots

Punch Clock moves a bit

Punch Clock moves a bit

Focusing on hot spots

Focusing on hot spots

needing to get water into back of shops

Needing to get water into back of shops

Bringing equipment in to help

Bringing equipment in to help

Lifting roof to get water in


Up it goes

Up it goes

Front of Shops


Fire Department gets a lift up

Fire Department gets a lift up

Front of Shops

Front of Shops