Lindbergh News:
with Joan Darling
Lindbergh's Union Banquet on November 20 could have been better attended, but from all reports the food was delicious and the dance a real success. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bartling attended the banquet. They are now retired in Edmonton. Augie used to operate the block press here.
We are certainly expecting to see Johnny Hillebrand every day this winter. If his new truck can't come through the snow his new snowmobile should be able to come over top of it.
Good luck to Martin Rath who is leaving us to work in a cycle shop in St. Paul. It should prove to be a real zooming future for him.
Welcome Gail Moneta! Gail has joined us as a relief worker both in the Plant and in the office â a big shoe to fill. Good luck Gail.
John Nimmo was visiting here recently, and those who knew him were quite happy to welcome him back. Mr. Nimmo was an accountant at Lindbergh a few years back, and is now in the Montreal Executive Office. Congratulations to Bob Lorenson who received his 15 year service pin on November 15, 1971.
Hunting season is very nearly over for our area with quite a few of the guys being lucky. This hunting business has its comical side too. Those who could really use the exercise of a good chase have their deer jump right out for them fifteen minutes after they leave home. What luck some!
Virgina Pankiw is still recuperating from her illness; she is hoping to be back around December 15.
Since this is the holiday season, Lindbergh extends to all Licks readers, a very Merry Christmas and sincere wishes for a prosperous New Year.