The Annual Curling Party was held May 5 and those attending had an enjoyable evening. Presentation of trophies and prizes won in the Round Robin and local mixed bonspiel was the highlight of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wyness were given a housewarming party by their many friends, and presented with a TV rocker.
Belated congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pankiw on the birth of a baby boy, Rick William.
We welcome to the salt family Mr. E. W. Gessner, who has taken over duties as watchman, and Mr. J. Zaraska who is working in the bagging department. James Wyness has also commenced work as watchman recently.
Congratulations to Miss Helen Pasmore and Miss Doreen Stults on their graduation at Elk Point High School.
Herb Sutton recently returned from a holiday trip to Illinois. A trip to the World's Fair at Seattle by George Anderson, Eddie Anderson and Blaine Berg turned out to be a very enjoyable experience for all three.
Mr. and Mrs. Steinhart of Amsterdam, The Netherlands are spending a holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Remtjes.
Recent patients at Elk Point hospital included Mrs. H. Austin, Mr. T. Sheplawy and Miss Edith Hodge.
Mr. L. Grosso, at present in the University Hospital in Edmonton, is wished a speedy recovery by his many friends.
A changed look in the parking lot is presented by cars owned by G. Krissa, A. Fakeley, Dave Wyness and Blaine Lungul.
Gerald Stults and family will be leaving shortly on a motor trip to Kansas.
The Annual Children's Picnic to be held June 24 will be preceded by an adults' barbeque Party put on by the Windsor Club on June 23.
Recent plant visitors included: R. McDannold of Windsor, J. Nimmo and G. J. McCann of Edmonton, and J. Woods of Oppenheimer Bros., Vancouver.