1959 December V 9 # 6


During the last few weeks local nimrods have been having a glorious time wallowing through ten inches of snow in pursuit of those nice, fat Mallards. Needless to say the ducks have not shared their enthusiasm, as they have been rather scarce since the season opened. At least it appears that way. Tom McLennan and Reg Hooper were out the other afternoon, and didn't fire a shot.

Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lesyk (loader) who, on August 30th, became the proud parents of a baby daughter, Patricia Lynn.

A warm welcome is extended to Ernest Schulz, Edward Pankiw and Roy Kendall, all of whom joined the "salt family" last month.

A farewell party was held in the Curling Rink on September 19 in honor of Herb and Arlene Wyness, who left our snow-bound plains for the sunny city of Edmonton, where Herb has joined the staff of the Edmonton Office. An enjoyable evening was spent dancing to the music of local maestros Alice Young, Herb Sutton and Cal Cundliffe. Herb and Arlene were presented with a smoker stand and a table lamp. The good wishes of all here at Lindbergh go with them.

Many friends gathered at Wozney's Soda Fountain on October 8 to bid farewell to Hammy Oliver, who has moved to Edmonton to accept the position of Chief Engineer at Building Products Limited. Hammy was presented with a decanter and glasses. All present agreed that it was a G-R-A-N-D evening.

Congratulations go out to E. H. Bjornstad on his appointment as Chief Engineer. (How about some cartoons, Elmer! )

No need to run and hide — that bright flashing object flying by is not an intercontinental ballistic missile. It's Gerry Bowlby's new Nash Rambler. Boy, it sure looks good to us, Gerry.

We were honored with a visit from Mr. J. D. Mair and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. O'Day the week of September 25th. I hear something about Mrs. O'Day bringing a tea tray with her on her next visit .. .

We are pleased to note that Howard Austin is home again after a lengthy stay in hospital. Howard is up and around now and is feeling much better. Could this possibly be due to the good coffee we serve over at the office?

— G.C.C.


1. E. D. Schulz, who has taken over the stenographic department. (Sept. 1/59)

2. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pankiw and daughter Lanette. Ed joined the company as payroll clerk on Sept. 16.


Tap and Towel McLennan serves refreshments to the ladies Lindbergh. Right to Left: Mrs. Buck, Mrs. Reintjes and Mrs. Cundliffe.


1. Mr. and Mrs. Casey Crebas trip the lite fantastic.

2. Local maestros supplying music for the affair. Left to Right: Lyn Rylance, Alice Young, Herb Sutton, Cal Cundliffe.

3. Herb and Arleen Wyness with the gifts they received.