News from Lindbergh
We wish John and Bea Williams "bon voyage" on their vacation to northern Europe. John and Bea will be leaving on the 1st of June for four weeks holiday touring Denmark, Norway and England.
Congratulations to Bob Lorenson, Alvin Meger and George Krissa on their recent promotions. Lindbergh plant management has announced that effective June 1, 1970, George Krissa will take over the duties of plant superintendent from Alex Wyness, who due to ill health has been unable to return to work. Alvin Meger will replace George Krissa as shipping supervisor and Bob Lorenson will assume Alvin's duty as fuse plant supervisor.
Prior to taking over as fuse plant supervisor, Bob was with the plant maintenance crew as a mechanic.
Bob Lorenson, newly appointed fuse plant supervisor.
Best of luck to Ken Palamarek in his new hobby. Ken has enrolled in a course in flying and hopes to get his private pilot's license in the near future.
Congratulations to Mike Buck as the new president of the "Windsor Club". Mike reVaces Ken Palamarek.
The new gas regulating station is almost complete, and should be in operation by June 30, 1970. Excavating in progress for addition to power house.
Service Pins
Lloyd H. Jenner 5-year pin 12 May, 1970
Marshal F. Pelech 5-year pin 17 May, 1970
Employees On The Move
We wish to welcome the following new employees who have been hired as summer relief. Andrew Ference, George Milholland, Harvey Buksa, Bob Johnson, Lester Smith.